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Poppy Pitch


POPPY- Feature


Writer:  Linda Daly


Genre:   Historical/Drama based on actual events


Logline: Under the reign of Tsar Nicholas I, a Cossack Officer, George Galloski, after defying his superior flees his beloved homeland, Russia through Afghanistan’s field of opium and finds a safe passage with smugglers out of Greece to Canada.


Pitch:   After aiding the mafia in successfully smuggling opium into North American shores, George spends the next two years making his way along the Saint Lawrence Seaway, taking on whatever job he could find until he stakes a claim in the Hills of West Virginia. 


Against all odds, and risking everything, he returns to his homeland, where he is a wanted criminal in hopes to smuggle his wife and daughter to the new life he has built for them--only to find his wife reduced to working the fields and his daughter dead.


This tale of unwavering love and devotion is based on the events of Linda’s ancestors as they eked out a life for themselves and generations to come in America, the land of opportunity. 


Target Audience:  Mainstream Adult

Project Status:  (Outline and treatment available upon request.) 

© copyright 2010-2022 by Linda Daly.

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